Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Rock And Roll Christmas Song? Not Really!

Christmas morning, 2008.

I woke up with a song going through my head. My wife was already downstairs. Instead of first saying the traditional, "Merry Christmas", I felt as though I has to exorcise the lyrics from my head first.

So, I surprised her by saying the following verse:

The keeper of the city keys put shutters on the dreams
I wait outside the pilgrim's door with insufficient schemes
The Black Queen chants the funeral march
The cracked brass bell will ring
To summon back the Fire Witch
To the court of the Crimson King

I will be the first to admit that "The Court Of The Crimson King" may not be the most festive of songs, but I will let you be the judge.

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Shout it out loud! Tell the world what you think.